

Thank you mother nature, thank you Wendy's

I'm taking a short break from food journaling since mother nature decided to throw a curveball my way via the good ole' once a month phenom. I have been so hungry I thought I would die. But I have been holding steady and not gaining so that's something.

Next, I have to thank Wendy's for NEVER exceeding my expectations with their quality of food. They have never cooked my hamburger all the way through and that would normally just make me mad, but today I'm happy. I tried it, despite my guilt, and it sucked eggs so now I know that I have successfully put that craving to rest. So thanks Wendy's. Love ya, mean it.

Back on the wagon tomorrow.

1 comment:

Monica said...

Sometimes I feel the same way about french fries. I love them, but if I don't eat them for a long time when I do finally take a bite, yuck too greasy.